суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.


Was in the nature, in communion with the spirits, the moment
I (once again, but as always - the new)
with a bang - felt the full bez'Smysl'-industry
human lives,
in the womb of space
natural, feelings, I
saw a total unimportance
everyday, human:
wake up, read something, watch TV,
eat, to shove a bio-mass, bio-drink zhidskostyu,
run for a bus, wait, work, relax, have fun,
fall in love kiss laugh cry sow water
Collect die born doubt draw
killing blow to break the build store
do not forget to know, learning to learn to know
strive, strive to get drunk
or simply, live, live, live
where all of this? it turns out,
is, where, why ...

in a collective sense.,


Now, what is the meaning of life, without exaggeration,
in the collective self-consciousness.

Culture is the environment in which they live human self-belief - the environment in which it exists, and the environment in which it develops.
All of the above, and much of that, what is not so easy to remember - only the supporting poles, cables, bearings, for the foundation, which is our human, culture.
We learn, remember, pass on knowledge,
[Although of course mainly invent]
dealing with the environment, nature, and other
This way we create this environment
culture, which is evident
in a completely different, but
quite clearly transmit
the general concept of culture things:
Sports, music, newspapers, books, television,
with all its ramifications and parts
Folk festivals, holidays, religion, dance,
Riots (!), Rallies, riots,
Games, jokes, and just doing science
"A pleasant pastime"
coupled with alcoholic gatherings of old friends
or marijuana smoking on the balcony,
not to mention the sacrament of sacraments muhomornyh
or even - your, personal, peace in the head,
- All part of the culture,

this is
that gives us happiness.
Communion to the general,
communication, and - in the case of the creation of the culture - the occupation of art (creation \ making music, sculpture, painting, dancing, writing texts, etc.) - this communion with the divine realm of the Universe
active creative process
our original Desire - Create!

for we are all co-creators of God's children.

So that, our collective sense of life - there is a culture,
All of these "wake up, drink coffee, eat fish, smoking a cigarette on the run, standing on the subway to work at work, eating noodles, cocoa, escape from work, meet friends, watch football, go home and listen to music, smoke in the ceiling, sleep, wake up, make love, wake up, drink coffee ... " apply to "meet friends", "watch football", "listening to music", but in part "to smoke at the ceiling" - if smoking is a thought process.

Oh, and of course the same, "make love."

It's just do the best thing you can do.
Of course, I shirokm sense:
When you start watching (\ do) Love [You],
The whole world just changed,
and culture, as a collective sense of life (and I have not said about the way indivindualny, but nothing about him you can not say even that), it is, it is not necessary.

Crutches against the wings.

Make love, she craves it.

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